This guide is dedicated to those adc players that want to carry their team and get as much gold as they can.
Is adcarry your role? Are you often chosen as adc but struggle with the concept of last hitting? Is it hard for you to find a lane? Do people call you out for being bad or blaming random things like lag, support or jungler when you lose? This guide will teach how to become an adcarry. Keep in mind: this might not be easy and takes some time, because ad carrying is not soo easy. It’s also very important that ad carries usually take down towers really fast just by themselves without help from other lanes. If you play ad carry main then I suggest playing it on custom game where you can set how long game will be, because ad carry is purely solo lane role and playing ad carry on bot lane with support or jungler might make adc feel like free kill for enemy adc.
Warming up
First of all ad carry is only adc on bot lane, on mid and top laners are usually mages ( AP) or bruisers ( AD). Also ad carries always need time to get strong. If you play adcarries like Corki or Graves then you’ll want to buy some mana regeneration items like Tear of the Goddess and 2 health potions which you should almost always start with. It’s important to know that ad carries need a lot of last hits and require gold in order to get late game powerful enough for teamfights. To achieve the maximum amount of farm possible help your support keep wards around dragon and river entrances, so that it will be easier for you to grab some free kills from enemies that come too closehy adcarry almost always takes bottom lane?
– winning bottom lane can give your team great advantage in global gold
– it’s easier to snowball the rest of the map by killing one person 3v1 than 5v4
– you get all xp from kills made in a lonely lane, not sharing it with 3 other people
To become good adcarry these are some important things: – watching guides, videos and streams about how to ad carry (that’s why I wrote this guide) – deciding if its right ad carry for you ( ad carries are very specific and can be hard to master, but if adcarry your role then its worth the time) – playing ad carry in custom games (easier to focus on getting better without enemy team trying to win at same time)
Playing ad carry is easy:
– farm gold, get kills and try to avoid dying. First priority is farming so you can help your team by dealing tons of damage later in game
– when they push, poke them with basic attacks and don’t miss too many cs . If you see a chance go in and deal some damage.
– when they retreat into bush or tower play safe
There are lots of ad carries out there that require different playstyle, but ad carry main adc should know how to do these 3 things. I’ll start this guide with adcarry build, runes and masteries so you can go into game knowing what items ad carry needs.
Enemy ad carry also needs time to get kills and farm gold, that’s why it’s good to harass enemy adc early game while not missing out cs . If ad carries started trading damage the one who gets the first kill is likely going to win lane. Early levels are very important for winning bottom lane because adc will deal way more damage at 6 or 11 level than he would do 10 min in when people are mostly around 13-15 lvl if they don’t die. phase ends when one of your