The average energy consumption of only a household is about 7000 kWh, so according to the energy needs, the consumption of a small-scale business will be much more than this! We say this thing as a business (depending on the type and niche) has more energy needs than a household.
Energy consumption is vital for businesses to ensure smooth workflows in the workplace, which is the reason why the energy consumption of a business is always much more than in any other place! And this same reason, the energy bills of even small-scale companies are a significant expense for the business.
Reducing these bills will always help you augment your profits by minimizing costs. But cutting off the electricity consumption might not be the best option for you as well. Depending on the niche of your business, energy might be the most vital utility needed for operations.
So, what is the option available for you in this case? Well, you can switch your current energy supplier to a cheaper one! And the best news here for you is that you can easily do so. All you have to do is compare power pricing, check the terms and conditions of the supplier, and select the one that suits your requirements the most!
Copyright: Brett Sayles on Pexels I License: CC0 Public Domain
Now that you have an idea about the average power consumption of a household and how it compares to the energy consumption of a small business, we will provide you with a few suggestions on how you can easily cut down the energy costs to decrease the expenses of your business! Also, we have mentioned the average consumption of the biggest culprits in your bills.
Flexible Working Hours
If you don’t want to change your current energy provider and peak hours (in which energy costs more) are added to the contract, then the best way to reduce the bills is by having flexible hours. This means that in the time slots when electricity is expensive, you can avoid consuming it.
But this only depends on your contract and the possibility of having flexible working hours keeping in mind the nature of your business. It might be that you cannot have flexible working hours! In this case, your only option is to switch to a cheaper provider. Various power companies in NZ can accommodate you according to your specific energy needs.
Energy Saving Lighting
Indoor and Outdoor lighting is the biggest culprit in increased energy bills for a business. This is why we always suggest you use the latest technology LED lights for lighting purposes. Moreover, even if you already use LED lights, we recommend turning those on only when not needed.
We know that good lighting improves the workplace’s atmosphere, but you must also remember your expenses here. Having unnecessary lights in the workplace will only augment your energy bills and won’t serve you any better. Teach your employees not to turn on lights during the day if not needed, as it consumes an average of 7 kWh per square foot!
Copyright: GEORGE DESIPRIS on Pexels I License: CC0 Public Domain
Heating and Cooling
Heating and cooling are essential for every business to ensure a comfortable environment for employees. But only heating and cooling consume around 5 kWh per square foot for companies and 7 kWh per square foot if you also include the ventilation! This adds up to be a massive chunk of your bill!
The best thing you can do here to avoid more energy consumption for heating and cooling is to ensure that the insulations in the workplace are intact and efficient so that the heating and cooling are not lost in unnecessary ventilation. Moreover, invest in smart heating and cooling systems to reduce consumption even more!
Computers and Laptops
As the world has moved online, the use of computers and laptops is a must in every business across the globe. But do you know desktop computers require more energy than laptops? Laptops consume around 120 kWh less than conventional computers per year!
Well, the best option for you here is to switch to a better option! If computers are unnecessary for your business operations, you must shift to laptops instead. This can allow you to save much more energy, hence significantly lowering your costs. But if you cannot switch to the laptops for any reason, teach your employees to unplug the computers before leaving the workspace. This will save a lot of energy as well!
But what about the internet outage? This is another topic, but you can use an online internet outage checker to get the required information!
Go Below Average in Energy Consumption to Save More!
Now that you know the average energy consumption by the biggest culprits in a small-scale business. You, as a business owner, must do everything suggested above to ensure lesser energy bills.